Luna farm grows vegetables and fruits at its three farms in the Oromia and Tigray regions of Ethiopia on a combined land of 500 hectares. We do not use harmful fertilizers and pesticides which makes the vegetables that we farm healthy and environmentally friendly.

Our Fruit & Vegetable Varietals

We grow a variety of vegetables on our farms including onions, tomatoes, chilies, lettuce, cabbages, Swiss chard, table grapes, sugar snaps, mange tout, bird eye chilies, fine beans etc.

Our Market

Some of our fruits and vegetables are sold in supermarket in Europe while most remain close to home and are sold in our retail stores at Fresh Corner. We care about your food!

Luna PLC is a family owned and managed food company that was founded in 2003. Across our 6 brands, we employ 1055 people, 46% of whom are women. Our mission is to provide our customers, both in Ethiopia and around the world, with quality meat, vegetable, fruits, prepared and semi prepared healthy dishes, and wine. We care about your food!


HEAD OFFICE Addis Ababa,Ethiopia Bole Kifleketema, Wereda 04, House number 048,
Phone: +1 251116627894/97
Fax: +1 251116627893


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